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Brushes For Justice: Empowering Change through Social Painting.

On 05th September 2023, we hosted 20 artists at a special event themed “Brushes for Justice Workshop and Social Painting experience” at Venture Labs Africa in Bugolobi Kampala.

The event was a unique gathering aimed at bringing together young and emerging artists and activists to explore their vital role as civic leaders in using their art to advocate for democracy, human rights, and justice.

This exceptional event was a collaborative effort between @kqhubafrica and @kiggunduartstudio, @art_class_kla with support from the British Council ( @eastafricaarts ) all organizations deeply committed to fostering positive change through creative expression activism.

This workshop was premised on the belief that artists have the incredible power to shape society and inspire meaningful conversations within their communities. It was characterised by two sessions with the first one being a thought provoking discussion about Human rights, Democracy and Justice. We had Kiggundu Rodney take the participants through what Art and Activism means and how the two collerate.

Later, we dived into learning how Human rights and Human Rights Based Approaches (HBRA) work and how intentional they are at promoting civic engagement making it crucial for Artists understand how they can benchmark on them in their work. These thought-provoking discussions help Artists re-think techniques, methodologies and the responsibility they hold in shaping democracy, human rights, and justice in their communities.

Artists engaged in a Social Painting Class by @art_class_kla where artists channelled their creativity towards expressing their perspectives on these crucial issues as they networked with each other.

We thank all the young artists that made it to the event

📸 by @_imagezi 💫

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